Jane Ingram Allen
Arts in Education Programs - Papermaking
and Installation Art

Brief Description:
Sculptor/Installation Artist and Papermaker Jane Ingram Allen will present
either a 1-day or 5-day visual arts program on installation art and papermaking.
The 1-day program will include a site-specific installation of Jane's
work and interactive presentations by the artist to school classes. The
5-day program includes an extended exhibition of Jane's work, presentations
to classes in the installation and a residency with papermaking workshops
to create a collaborative installation artwork with students. The student-made
artwork would be installed in the school and left on permanent display.
Jane's programs are listed in the New
York State BOCES arts in education directory and approved for BOCES
funding. Jane is also working with the Capital Region Center for Arts
in Education and offering installation art programs in the schools through
this aesthetic education institute during 2002-2003. For more information
about these programs contact the Capital Region Center for Arts in Education,University
at Albany, Dutch Quad, Ten Broeck 107, Albany, NY 12222, 518-442-4240,
e mail cracaie@albany.edu
About the Artist: Jane Ingram Allen
has created handmade paper sculpture installations for exhibition in a
New York City subway station, along a public highway on an abandoned barn,
in downtown storefront windows, in parks, plazas and public buildings
as well as in numerous galleries and museums. Jane is also an experienced
teacher having taught art in public schools and colleges for over 25 years
and with the Arts in Education Institute in Utica, NY, 1987-2001. During
the 1999-2000 school year she was a presenting artist in Utica and Rochester
public schools. During 2000-2001 she presented her programs on Installation
Art at over 14 schools in the Binghamton area through the Southern Tier
Institute for Arts in Education. Jane continues to focus on creating art
installations in public spaces and making art a part of people's everyday
lives. In 2003-04 she received a Fulbright Scholar Award to be an artist
in residence in Taiwan and has explored papermaking art with plants of
Taiwan since January 2004.
Curriculum Connections:
Jane's artwork can be used with many areas of the school curriculum in
the arts, sciences and social studies. Jane will work with teachers to
design the program to complement and enhance classroom teaching. Some
possible art curriculum connections include introducing students to the
concepts of installation art, design of space and working with multiple
units; exploring the possibilities of materials, making two-dimensional
elements become three-dimensional and using color, texture, line and shape
in art. Some possible science curriculum connections include study of
recycling and environmental science issues through hand papermaking, nature
study through the use of animal and bird imagery and study of science
principles involved in papermaking. Some possible social studies curriculum
connections include study of other cultures such as Japan and the importance
of paper in everyday life, the concepts and uses of maps in society and
historical and cultural influences.
Space Needs:
Installation site for Jane's art work - lobby, auditorium, library, cafeteria
or other public space in the school with about 10' x 12' or more of clear
floor space and a ceiling height of 8' -12' with a ceiling tile grid preferred.
The school will also need to supply a sturdy ladder to reach the ceiling
and one person to help with unloading, installation, de-installation and
re-loading. For the 5-day residency program a papermaking workshop area
will also be needed. This can be a classroom, part of a classroom or other
space large enough for seating approximately 25 students with access to
water (sink and hose hook up is preferred) and electricity. Three or four
6-foot tables are also needed plus chairs for the students.
Materials: Jane will bring all necessary
materials to install her art work in the school and will provide her own
insurance for the art work on display in the school. Jane will also bring
her portable papermaking studio equipment and materials to the school
for the 5-day program (papermaking workshops and residency). Materials
are included in the fee. For the 5-day program, the school may need to
furnish some additional materials to be decided after the project is designed
for each school.
Recommended Grade Levels: K - 12
Cost to Schools: 1-day exhibition
and workshop - $500 (includes materials and equipment) 5-day exhibition
and residency - $2000 (includes materials and equipment) Longer
residencies can also be arranged. The artist will require travel
and accommodations during an extended residency.
Dates Available: To be arranged.
For More Information:
Jane Ingram Allen
1 1 Oxford Road, Troy, NY 12180 USA or 185 Shian Dai Rd., #2, Dali City,
Taichung County, Taiwan (through July 2006)
offers arts in education programs in the schools on installation art and
papermaking. In addition to working with Arts in Education Institutes
in Albany, NY; Syracuse, NY; and Palm Desert, CA, in 2003-04, Jane is
also available for residencies and special projects in other school districts.
Jane is listed as an approved artist in the New York state schools through
BOCES Arts in Education Enrichment Programs. See the website at http://artsineddirectory.org
Region Center for Arts in Education, Albany, NY
the 2003-04 school year Jane is working with the Capital Region Center
for Arts in Education, Albany, NY, as a presenting visual artist. This
program with CRC features Jane's new installation "Of Time and the
River" which includes multiple maps of the Hudson River and cast
tree forms in a site specific installation at the school along with interactive
presentations to students in the exhibition space. For more information
and to register for a presentation in your school, call the Center at
518-442-4240 or e mail to crcaie@albany.edu

Theatre Institute Aesthetic Education Institute, Palm Desert, CA
the 2003-04 school year Jane worked with the McCallum Theatre Institute
in Palm Desert, CA to present her installation "Different Views"
which consists of multiple global maps each with a different part of the
world as the center. Jane's presentations in the schools include a site
specific installation of this work and interactive presentations to classrooms
in the installation as well as papermaking and installation art workshops
for the students to create their own handmade paper installation art.
Visit the website at www.mccallumtheatre.com
for more information about this Institute's programs.
New York Institute for Arts in Education, Syracuse, NY
the 2003-04 school year Jane worked with the CNY Institute to present
"Bird Watching" as a site specific installation in the schools
and made interactive presentations to the students in the installation.
The Syracuse Institute is emphasizing this year works of art that use
humor and the element of surprise. For more information about this Institute
and Jane's programs, contact Marsha Wheeler, CNY Institute for Arts in
Education Coordination by email at
Updated 10-4-05