The Map Room Installation
"The Map Room"
- an installation in Bridgeport, CT
Jane's one-person show "The Map Room" opened October 28 and will be on
exhibit through November 21, 1998, at the University Gallery, University of Bridgeport,
Bridgeport, CT. "The Map Room" consists of multiple map
constructions made of painted handmade paper and string suspended from the ceiling and
hanging from the walls.
Many thanks to Kaz McCue, Gallery Director, and
all of the others who helped with the installation. The University of
Bridgeport gallery is a very large and elegant space, and Kaz commented that one of the
viewers said this was the best show they have had in the space. 
The map pieces represent real localities, although abstracted, and are two-sided
paintings which fold to become sculptural objects. A large wall collage using
recycled maps donated by the AAA office in Utica, NY, extends around a corner in the
gallery. The installation also contains several drawings on handmade paper extended
with pencil drawings on the
gallery wall. Some of the
map pieces were made during Jane's September residency at Harpers Ferry National
Historical Park.
Several institutions have expressed an interest in "The Map Room" exhibition,
among them a natural history musuem and a state library planning a map exhibition.
Jane is considering other places to exhibit new versions of "The Map
Room" after it closes in Bridgeport on Nov. 21.
Selected Public Art Projects and
Selected Environmental Projects
Selected Wall Works and Suspended Sculptures
Selected Figurative Works - Mirrors and
Selected Collaborative Works with
Musicians and Choreographers
The Connemara Installation
Bird Watching Projects