In a maze you have the choice and challenge of direction. As such, it is a puzzle/game. But with a labyrinth you have only the one path to follow, which twists its way mysteriously to the centre and then out again.
This can be
interpreted as both a physical journey of travelling to the actual centre, or as a spiritual journey within yourself to your inner soul. The labyrinth is therefore a useful meditational tool.In my art, I try to create special places for Art, Nature and People to come together.
The ragweed plant stalks are remains of last summer, gathered together by myself and many helpers, who then set out the labyrinthine form. It is a delicate, ephemeral structure - lasting only as long as the wild Texas weather allows! As the grasses grow up, your act of walking will create a new labyrinth drawing.
If fallen stalks lie across the pathway, please reposition them to the side to redraw the way. Thank you acheter cialis!
Mr. Buchanan is from Thornhill, Dumbriesshire, Scotland. He writes that he "is very much looking forward to working at Connemara, and in particular, working with the quality of sun and moonlight wich you have there - it will be very different and special."
Jim Buchanan brings Nature, art and people together in special places, using the structure of the Labyrinth mandala. For ancient civilizations the mandala was a powerful symbol of life regeneration representing the mystery of creation. Today, it is a symbol that aids in meditation and the internal journey of self-discovery for the individual.
In 1997, Mr. Buchanan worked in Lithuania, Scotland, Germany and Switzerland. A giant earth Labyrinth installed in Chesterfield, England uses 7,000 tons of earth to draw the image on a hillside. (It is a 1.5 mile walk to the center and back of this piece and Buchanan believes that this may be the largest labyrinth in Europe.)